
Weight Loss Resource Page

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Information about weight loss programs. Curves For Women, Atkins Diet, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Slim-Fast Diet, Windsor-Pilates, The Zone Diet, Dr. Phil Diet, Body For Life, Hollywood Diet, and 3 Day Diet. This site is developed as a non-bias resource allowing all of us weight conscious individuals a place on-line to compare and research the most popular weight loss programs. Good luck and select the best program for you and your needs.

Below are 10 general weight loss tips that I have found very helpful.

10 Great Weight Loss Tips

  1. Joining a slimming group. Many people find that group work, with regular weigh-ins and sharing of experiences, can help motivation.
  2. Formulate your own 'brain plan' and write it all down. Map out the next few months, mark out target weights, days off from your diet, and rewards for progress.
  3. Try to find a goal for your weight loss program, such as a summer holiday, wedding or similar event to aim for, with a treat such as a new outfit to look forward to.
  4. Learn your own weaknesses, failings and food triggers, and look for ways to beat them. For example, I am regularly tempted by patisserie shops as I rush home. But there is one shop selling delicious banana smoothies, so that is what I always allow myself.
  5. Try to avoid getting too tired or going too long without food.
    Tell people you are dieting - you might bore them but it helps you to commit to the idea.
  6. Don't weigh yourself more than once a week - more often you'll see no improvement and just get disillusioned.
  7. Don't be over ambitious - a loss of 2 lb or max 1 kg a week is the most you should expect.
  8. Anticipate the hurdles and falls. If you know you are going to go away for a weekend, for example, prepare tactics for eating out, anticipate a slight gain in weight - and mentally prepare to get right back on target as soon as you return.
  9. All dieters have bad days and times. Mentally plan out small treats or tactics to cope for when life is being unkind to you.
  10. Visualize success and set a reward for when you reach each goal.
South Beach Diet
South Beach Diet Information. Include the South Beach Diet recipes, menu, and plan,Using the South Beach Diet can lose 8 to 13 pounds in just two weeks by eating the right carbs and fats.


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